Sunday 8 July 2018

Trip to Scottsdale

Last week we had an early start to get to Scottsdale for 6.00am and a return trip for 5.00pm.  Busy busy day.  Way too dark to take photos on the way there, until we got to Bridport when the beautiful sunrise glowed red.

 Beautiful sunrise at Bridport

The sign for Jetsonville on way to Scottsdale

Arriving into Scottsdale

Frosty start to the day heading back to Launceston

We stopped at the Lebrina Post Office

Bardenhagens lovely old store in Lilydale

Painted poles at Lilydale across from the Post Office

More frosty scenes on the way back to Launceston.

Over the Batman Bridge on way back to Scottsdale.

Watch our for Tasmanian Devils on the way.

At the Bridport Airport.
Then it got too dark to take photos on the way home.

A Day at the Soccer

We were privileged to be invited to the new Riverside Soccer club rooms opening where Olivia plays and coaches soccer and Crystal takes the official photos of the teams.

The new club rooms at Windsor Park 

 Crystal taking photos and Olivia watching her team play.

Half time talk to her players

Some of the trophies and memoribilia

Two members giving speeches about how far the club has come since the 1930's

One of the older Riverside Olympic teams played against Launceston Soccer.

I never get tired of this view.

We moved to Blackwall 16 years ago.  And I never get tired of the ever changing views from our front window. Beautiful afternoon sunset glow...