Tuesday 28 August 2018

Mum at The Manor

Mum in her new home at The Manor.

Mum's new home at The Manor

After filling in the paperwork it was lunch time.

Teddy reclining on the bed.

Lovely fresh flowers in the room

Sitting by the window eating lunch today.

View of the whole room.  Plenty of wall space for photos and pictures.

Sunday 12 August 2018

Busy making Marmalade and Lemon Curd

It's been a busy week, so I'm showing you the cooking I did the other week :-)

Our lovely neighbour gave me a bag of lemons.

So I cut them up.

 Added some sugar.

Added some oranges and boiled it to make Marmalade.

All the ingredients in the pot to make Lemon Curd.

All stirred and boiled to thicken the mixture.

Lemon Curd - Yummo.

Marmalade and Lemon Curd.

Beautiful Liliums for I received for my Wedding Anniversary have opened.

Saturday 4 August 2018

Happy Birthday

We have a run of Birthday's at the end of July and early August.  A few photos of my lovely Mum celebrating her 83rd birthday.  Oops that should have been 21st birthday 😏

Morning tea at the Launceston General Hospital Cafeteria with teddy and friends.

Lovely to catch up with Heather and they let Mum out of hospital for the day for her birthday.

Friends helping to celebrate with Mum.

Lovely bunch of flowers for her birthday.

Heather, Mum and I - a lovely day out.

I never get tired of this view.

We moved to Blackwall 16 years ago.  And I never get tired of the ever changing views from our front window. Beautiful afternoon sunset glow...