Sunday 18 November 2018

Happy 60th Birthday

We had a little birthday BBQ for Richard's 60th birthday.

Table all set for breakfast.

Opening presents at breakfast time.

Decorations all ready.

Table set ready for our visitors.

Lovely sunny day for a BBQ

Balloons and bunting.

Fruit and cheese platters.

Checking the BBQ at the ready

All set ready for our guests.

Playing in the photo booth.

Enjoying the BBQ

Dad and Pam 






Richard opening his gifts.

Reading his funny birthday card.

Mum joining in with the fun.




Playing with the photo booth props.

Richard enjoying his day.

Happy Birthday to Richard.

What a wonderful day we had.

Saturday 3 November 2018

A bit of excitement - too close for comfort

We had a bit of excitement the other day with a little fire over the road on a windy day.  Luckily the fire brigade turned up quickly and put it out.

Plenty of smoke from the fire, being such a windy day it could have spread quite quickly.

Fire Brigade arrived to check out the fire.

Getting organised to put the fire out.

A second fire engine turned up to give assistance

Report of the incident of the TFS Online.

All under control and onto the next incident.

I never get tired of this view.

We moved to Blackwall 16 years ago.  And I never get tired of the ever changing views from our front window. Beautiful afternoon sunset glow...