Sunday 17 March 2019

Richard's flight in the Nanchang

Richard was given a gift certificate for a plane ride in the Nanchang.  We received the call this morning to say it was a perfect day for the flight.

The flight left from the Cranbourn Airfield along Dalrymple Road.

The hanger with the Nanchang

There was a bit of maintenance to attend to before the flight.

Cockpit all uncovered and a little bit more checking to do.

Close up of the motor.

Out of the hanger and onto the airfield.

Richard in the back seat listening to instructions.

Pilot all ready and canopy closed nearly ready for take off.

Engine all started.

Along the runway ready to go.

Up and away.

Half an hour later and on their way back.

Landing after an enjoyable plane ride.

Richard couldn't stop smiling, he had a wonderful time.

Tuesday 12 March 2019

Autumn 2019

The weather is starting to cool down now that we are into Autumn.

We had a cool change come through and it brought hail at our house 
and snow in the highlands last week.

My crocus's are in full bloom

The last of my roses.

Honeyeater's in the birdbath

Vines all covered over to protect the late harvest grapes.

We took a quick trip to Campbell Town at the weekend.  It's still very dry.

Homestead at the back of Campbell Town.

Dark clouds with fluffy white ones at the back of Campbell Town.

Silhouettes of gum trees through a cracked windscreen.

I never get tired of this view.

We moved to Blackwall 16 years ago.  And I never get tired of the ever changing views from our front window. Beautiful afternoon sunset glow...