Monday 22 July 2019

Apollo 11

It was fifty years ago last Saturday that we watched the moon landing.  I was 7 years old and in grade 3 living in Adelaide.  On this day in 1969 we were sent home early from school so we could watch the moon landing on television.  Back then we only had black and white television sets, and the pictures sent back from the moon were grainy.  Today we are so lucky to have the picture digitally enhanced and in colour.  Thank you to Google for the photos.

The astronauts - Neil Armstrong, Micheal Collins and Buzz Adrin

Blast off on 16 July 1969

Neil Armstrong - One small step for man one giant leap for mankind.

A salute to the flag. 

Neil Armstrong

A view of the earth from the moon.

Footprint on the moon surface.

I had one of these cloth badges from the Apollo 11 moon landing. 

Eurosports meeting at the Launceston Motor Museum.

We had the Eurosports meeting at the Launceston Motor Museum on Sunday morning.  This was our final meeting there before moving to the new museum site in September ready for our October get together.  Below is a selection of cars from our Eurosports members and some cars and motorbikes inside the Motor Museum.

A chilly week in Campbell Town

We have just spent the last week working in chilly Campbell Town, there was a lot of snow nearby with a icy breeze in the air.

The Red Bridge in Campbell Town.

One of the farm houses along the country run.

Snow in the mountains.

More snow nearby.

Flock of cockatoos.

Flock of sheep.

Three emus at the back of Campbell Town.

Tuesday 9 July 2019

The Monarto Safari Zoo.

We spent a lovely day at the Monato Safari Zoo in the Adelaide Hills.  We had a bus tour around the zoo and were able to get up very close to the animals for some amazing photos.

Rock Wallaby.

Brand new baby chimpanzee with his mother.

The Barossa Valley

We did a bit of travelling around the picturesque Barossa Valley.

Nutcrackers at the Cuckoo Clock shop in Hahndorf.

A selection of the Cuckoo Clocks.

German Bee sting cake at Hahndorf.

We spent a bit of time at the German Pantry.

Then on to the Beerenberg factory to stock up on jams etc.

We went to Maggie Beer's kitchen from the television show from The Cook and the Chef. 
Maggie has a wonderful gift shop too.

Adelaide in June

We travelled to Adelaide in June for the long weekend.  We had an awesome time doing the touristy things and catching up with friends.  We spent a few days in Middleton eating, drinking and relaxing.

Mural of whales on the side of the Middleton Tavern.

Whales on the stobie pole.

Whale watching from Ron and Barb's deck at Whalers Retreat.

Amazing Death by Chocolate donut from the Port Elliot Bakery.

Views of the winery we went to for lunch.

Lovely spot for lunch.

Yummy Ploughman's lunch.

The men heading back to the car after our meal.

Beautiful sunset at the end of the day.

I never get tired of this view.

We moved to Blackwall 16 years ago.  And I never get tired of the ever changing views from our front window. Beautiful afternoon sunset glow...