Thursday 15 August 2019

Pretty in Pink

I have received a few beautifully pretty pink items for Mother's Day and birthdays in the past.  It's not a colour I choose for myself, however, I'm so pleased to receive these wonderful gifts.

My new favourite drink.

Beautiful fresh flowers.

Handkerchieves  and notebook

Sparkly pink makeup bag and rose gold hairbrush.

Monday 5 August 2019

Birthdays and Anniversaries

We have just spent the last few days celebrating, it was my birthday on Wednesday and our 40th Wedding Anniversary on Sunday along with my Mum's 84th birthday.  We have had plenty to eat and bubbles to drink along with lots of chocolates to celebrate.  My lounge room looks like a florist shop, just beautiful.

Flowers for my birthday.

We took Mum out for lunch and these are her beautiful flowers, thank you Heather, John, and girls.

Photo from our wedding day 40 years ago.

Photo from our 25th Wedding Anniversary.

Yesterday at lunch celebrating our 40th Wedding Anniversary.

Catching up with two of my girl friends who attended our wedding.

Two of my other girl friends from Adelaide.  We celebrated earlier in June.

More beautiful flowers for our anniversary.  Thank you Richard xxx

I never get tired of this view.

We moved to Blackwall 16 years ago.  And I never get tired of the ever changing views from our front window. Beautiful afternoon sunset glow...