Tuesday 31 December 2019

Christmas Day 2019

We had a lovely Christmas Day with family around for lunch.  Here are a few photos.

T'was the weekend before Christmas.

We had a lovely catch up with family at Sue and Andrew on the Sunday before Christmas.


Mum, Anya and Jason

Jen and Paul

Gerrard and Crystal




Mum and Anya 

Christmas Decorations for 2019

I was organised early for Christmas as it's a busy time of year for work.  However, I didn't have time to play on the computer to put the photos on the blog, so here they are.

Christmas Wreath on the front door.

Christmas Tree all decorated.

A close up of some of the many decorations.

Blue icicle lights on the front deck.

Centre piece on the dining room table.

Santa waving from the festively lit boat on the river just along from home.

I never get tired of this view.

We moved to Blackwall 16 years ago.  And I never get tired of the ever changing views from our front window. Beautiful afternoon sunset glow...