Saturday 29 February 2020

At the Exeter Show

It's the last day of summer today, and the Exeter Show was in town.  The weather was just right nice and sunny as we strolled around to see all the exhibits and look after our inner child and buy some showbags.

We stopped to watch the snake display.  All the snakes poisonous.

Vintage truck on display.

Pictures above and below are Morgans.

FJ Holden

Some of the trucks on display.

We stopped to watch the wood chopping.

Gravelly Beach Fire Brigade display.

Our friend Penny at her stall selling toys and henna tattoos.

Some of her Kewpie Dolls for sale.

Laughing Clowns

Some of the vegetables on display.

Tangled vegetable exhibit - Third prize.

Beautiful roses and dahlias on display.

One of my favourites are the Fuschias.

Handmade crafts on display.

Monday 24 February 2020

Notley Fern Gorge

We spent a pleasant Sunday morning going for a walk at Notley Fern Gorge which is a little patch of rainforest a few minutes drive from our home.  As it's summer time at present it was dry and sunny just perfect for a short walk.  You could hear the cockatoos squawking overhead and the wallabies scuttling in the undergrowth.  Just a magic spot for a visit.

The little shelter hut at the beginning of the walk at Notley Fern Gorge.

Moss covered tree trunks and ferns.

Giant man ferns.

Ferns growing on ferns.

Just to give you the idea of how high these Giant  Man Ferns grow.

Beautiful ferns.

Massive tall trees.

More moss covered tree trunks and roots.

Cute little wallaby.

A trickle of water in the stream.  We must come back in winter to see the difference.

Some fungi, moss and ferns.

Matthew Brady's hideout tree at Notley Fern Gorge.

Tuesday 18 February 2020

Valentine's Day

It was a busy Valentine's Day on Friday with work, but I was delighted to receive a lovely bouquet of roses and flowers from my Valentine.  We have always exchanged small gifts to mark the occasion of Valentine's Day which is really lovely.

My beautiful roses from my Valentine.

Flowers and card with gold rose petals.

Belt buckle for my Valentine

Heart spoons to stir my cappuccino.

More photos taken a couple of days later to show my beautiful Lilium in full bloom.

My sweet little heart trinket box.

More of my heart spoons.

I never get tired of this view.

We moved to Blackwall 16 years ago.  And I never get tired of the ever changing views from our front window. Beautiful afternoon sunset glow...