Sunday 31 May 2020

Sea Eagle

We were watching a Sea Eagle at the front of our house the other afternoon.  Magnificent birds.  We see them sometimes, but not quite so close to the house.  Lovely to watch them catch fish.

Sorry, it's a bit blurry.

Flying low over the water.

On the look out for fish.

Still low over the water.

Still looking.

Flying low.

Getting ready to catch the fish.

Caught it.

Crystal's 40th Birthday.

We were able to meet up with Crystal for her birthday as the Corona Virus restrictions are slowly being lifted, and we can have up to 5 visitors around now.

We spent a lovely evening with Crystal for her birthday catching up as we hadn't seen each other for a few weeks.

A selection of Crystal's birthday cards.

Beautiful peonies for the Birthday Girl.

Pouring the wine.  Dinner is nearly ready.

Roast lamb, from Josef Chromy home delivery.

Or Roast pork.

Then bread and butter pudding with stewed quinces.

Dinner was really lovely and we had a great time.

Even the cat joined in!

Mother's Day 2020

We celebrated Mother's Day in isolation unable to visit anyone due to the Corona Virus.

Beautiful cyclamen for my Mum.

Mum on Mother's Day, photo sent by The Manor.

Pansies on the front deck.

Mother's Day gift of a hanging pot.
I went to the garden nursery to day to buy a plant.
I think it looks lovely in my kitchen.

Another Mother's Day gift, smells gorgeous.

Calligraphy set for Mother's Day.  
I need to find time to try it out.

A big thank you for my lovely Mother's Day gifts, 
and for the wonderful long phone call chatting 
with Adrian in the UK.  I had a magic day.

Autumn Colours 2020

It's been a few weeks since I was able to add to my blog.  This is the first weekend we haven't had to work in 8 weeks, so it's nice to be able to catch up on things.

We have had some really lovely autumn days with some wonderful colours.

Beautiful sunrise on our way to Scottsdale.

Autumn colours everywhere.

Just some of the toadstools on our way 
along Pipers River Road.

I never get tired of this view.

We moved to Blackwall 16 years ago.  And I never get tired of the ever changing views from our front window. Beautiful afternoon sunset glow...