Sunday 27 December 2020

Lovely walk to Gravelly Beach

 Before the rain set in this morning Richard and I went for a walk to Gravelly Beach.

The Old School house two doors along.

Over the guard rail, Joy has made a little garden.

High Tide.  Boats at the Stony Creek.

Stony Creek runs into the Tamar River.

The old Junk being restored at Gravelly Beach Mariner.

Old Coach Road.

Looking along Old Coach Road

One of the houses along Gravelly Beach Road.

Gravelly Beach Store and Post Office.

The new Cafe next to the Post Office.

The Pizza Shop.

Palm Trees along Gravelly Beach Road.

Our house from the Pontoon at Gravelly Beach.  (The one with the red roof)

Nice looking yacht.

Fishing from the Pontoon.

Fishing from the carpark.

Footpath to Rose Bay and the playground.

Christmas Decorations along the way.

House sign along the way.

Back home for Ice Coffee with bubbles.  Yummo.
Thank you Sharni and Jason for the coffee syrup for Christmas.



Christmas 2020

 We spent a lovely relaxing day for Christmas Day (on Boxing Day) with family.  We had a Grazing Table with loads of yummy food.

Our Christmas Tree and Santa has been.

Anya deciding what to eat next.

All at the table for Christmas lunch.

Jason and Sharni.

Crystal at the back and Ebony.

Olivia and Maddi.

Crystal and Gerrard.

Mum with one of her Christmas gifts.

Grandfather Frost stain glass.

I never get tired of this view.

We moved to Blackwall 16 years ago.  And I never get tired of the ever changing views from our front window. Beautiful afternoon sunset glow...