Thursday 27 January 2022

Australia Day 2022

We had a lovely BBQ lunch at Crystal & Gerrard's on Australia Day.   A nice relaxing time with a glass of wine and plenty to eat.  

Yummy Australian treats.

Jason cooling off in the paddling pool.


Sharni and Jason.

Olivia, Crystal and Maddi.

A nice relaxing time at Crystal & Gerrard's.

Timmy wanted to join in too.

Water skier on the Tamar River at home.

We all enjoyed our day off to celebrate Australia Day.

Monday 24 January 2022

A little look at Oatlands.

 Many of the little shops in New Norfolk were closed, so we stopped in at Oatlands on the way home.


Callington Mill.

Lots of colonial style cottages.

One of the several vintage cars parked in the main street.

Lovely little coffee shop in the main street.

Almond croissants - my favourite.

Mt Field National Park

 Mt Field is only an hours drive from New Norfolk, it's such a lovely place.

On our way to Mt Field.

Lots of hops growing in this area.

Mt Field Visitor Centre.

View of the waterfall through the manferns.

The main waterfall.

Lots of manferns.

Huge tree fallen over.

Richard standing in front of the fallen tree.

Up the stairs to the next waterfall.

More moss covered fallen trees.

Horseshoe falls.

Weekend to New Norfolk

 We went to New Norfolk the other weekend.  Just for a bit of a break, and we had a lovely time.  

On our way to New Norfolk.

Very dry countryside along the way.

More countryside along the way.

Over the Bridgewater Bridge.

Our lovely little cottage at New Norfolk.

Very cosy space.

Views of the river outside our room.

Reflections in the water.

Paddle boarder going past.

Lovely sunset reflecting on the water.

Dinner at the Crazy Duck in George Town

We all had a little bit of $$$ for Christmas, so it was decided that we should go out for dinner.  We chose the Crazy Duck in George Town and we weren't disappointed.

The entrance to the Restaurant.

With our yummy meals.

I ordered the crumbed scallops.

And Creme Brulee with sticky rice.

Some of the yachts in the marina.

A laugh and a joke after our meal.

Crystal all smiles.

The Lena sailing out of Bell Bay out to sea.

Tuesday 4 January 2022

New Years Eve 2021

We spent another quiet evening in for New Years Eve drinking champagne and eating pizza watching Netflix.

Champagne anyone?

Homemade pizza.

That beautiful golden glow across the river as the sun goes down.

Playing with sparklers.  Our own firework display.

Getting ready to go our for breakfast.

The River Cafe at Beauty Point.

Views from the River Cafe.

The Seahorse World.

Happy New Year.

I never get tired of this view.

We moved to Blackwall 16 years ago.  And I never get tired of the ever changing views from our front window. Beautiful afternoon sunset glow...