Sunday 20 March 2022

St Patrick's Day

 We usually celebrate St Patrick's Day with an Irish Cream and other Irish flavoured treats.

Looking for a four leaf clover.

A few of my St Patrick's Day ornaments.

Yummy Irish Cream.

A couple of decorations in the window.

Home cooked fish and chips, mushy peas covered with curry sauce.

Shamrocks on my serviettes.

There's no nicer way to eat cabbage than in an Okonomiyaki Japanese Pancake.  
Not very Irish.

Traditional silverside with potatoes, carrots and cabbage.  Very yummy.

Thursday 10 March 2022

Second week in Perth.

The weather has been quite nice to be working outside, and Perth is a lovely little town with lots of friendly people.

A rural setting along the Main Street

Sheep in the paddock along Main Street.

Lovely little cottage.

Kookaburras on the wires.

One of the sign posts in Perth.

Rural driveway in Perth.

Lovely manferns in the garden.

Me and my shadow.

The Tasmanian Honey company sign.

Another little cottage.

Tidy little cottage.

Someone's play house in the paddock next to the house.

Another tidy little cottage.

Beautiful rosella parrots in the tree.

This week is nearly over and we have a four day week next week.

Wednesday 2 March 2022

Working in Perth.

We will be working in Perth for the next three weeks.  We have already had three days there.  It's such a lovely place to work with lots of history and older style homes and really modern ones as well.

As you arrive into Perth there is a huge notice to say that Perth was settled in 1821.

Perth Post Office.

There's a noisy flock of cockatoos that live in Perth.

The railway crossing.

The public toilet building looks like a train station.

The old steam engine in the park.

A section of the tree lined Main Road.  

One of the many older homes.

Exclusive Cars showroom of  luxury cars.

The Leather Bottle Inn now a private home.  One of the oldest buildings in Perth.

Another lovely old home.

This lovely old house is being renovated at the moment.

The entry into Minevra Park Estate with some of the new homes.

I'm only working in a small area of Perth, but I'll keep 
my camera handy for some more photos.



Feeling Tropical

We have had a really lovely summer this year with temperatures in the high 20's, even today it got to 27 degrees, and it's the second day of Autumn.

We had a little get together the other weekend and it had a lovely tropical feel to the proceedings.

Pineapple Flower Plant in my garden

Tropical flowers in my garden

My gorgeous turtle ornament.

Table all set for visitors.

Cheese and strawberry platter.

Orchid ornaments inside.

My Nautilus Shell poster in my kitchen.

One of the many yachts that go past our house everyday.


I never get tired of this view.

We moved to Blackwall 16 years ago.  And I never get tired of the ever changing views from our front window. Beautiful afternoon sunset glow...