Saturday 28 May 2022

Mother's Day 2022

My first Mother's Day without Mum was hard, Crystal very kindly put her hand up to cater for lunch, so we went to her home and I had a lovely day without me having to cook.  Which was really very much appreciated.  Thank you, thank you.

Me on Mother's Day.

Olivia & Maddi.

Richard, Gerrard and Crystal.

Watson the cat.

A fairy for the bottom of the garden.  
A gift from Adrian, Michelle, Caleigh & Evie.

More gifts from Adrian, Michelle, Caleigh and Evie.
Thank you :-)

Lucky Charms cereals from Crystal.
They are really yummy, very sweet but yummy.

Heather and I had bought Mother's Day cards earlier on, 
so we have decided to start a new tradition to send each other
Mother's Day cards in memory of Mum.

Adelaide 1964.

Happy Mother's Day Mum in Heaven.

Sue's 60th Birthday Party.

 Sue turned 60 in March, but couldn't get the venue she wanted for her birthday until the end of April.

Singing Happy Birthday.

Blowing out the candles.

Sue and Andrew.

Gerrard and Crystal.

Jason and Sharni.

Richard and I.

My yummy Mojito.

I only took photos of the sweets.

They look so pretty.

I chose the chocolate.

We all had a wonderful evening celebrating Sue's birthday.

Mum's Funeral

Doreen Gladys Strutt 4th August 1935 - 19 April 2022.

Mum's funeral service was on the 27th April 2022.  It was a lovely service as funeral's go.  Below are just a few photos from the day.

Mum adored her teddy bears, so it was only fitting that they were there to say goodbye.

The beautiful flowers on her casket.

Flowers from Sue and Andrew.

Flowers from Adrian, Michelle, Caleigh & Evie.

RIP Mum.

Friday 27 May 2022

Easter 2022

Easter 2022 was a bitter-sweet time with Heather and John coming over from Sydney to catch up with us and to visit Mum at The Manor.  Mum wasn't well enough to come out to join in for Easter this year.  We had a lovely time catching up with a Sunday lunch BBQ.  Then on Monday after visiting Mum we went to Ashgrove Cheese and Elizabeth Town Cafe for lunch, and on Tuesday Mum passed away, so Heather, John and ourselves picked ourselves up and went to The Gorge and The Seaport, and then just around from home to Gravelly Beach/Blackwall on Wednesday afternoon.

Cheeses maturing at Ashgrove.

A selection of the cheeses at Ashgrove.

At The Gorge.

At the Seaport.

Boats at Gravelly Beach.

I never get tired of this view.

We moved to Blackwall 16 years ago.  And I never get tired of the ever changing views from our front window. Beautiful afternoon sunset glow...