Sunday 26 June 2022

Winter in Blackstone Heights

I have been working in Blackstone Heights these last couple of weeks.  There have been some cold frosty starts that turn into lovely sunny days, and there have been wet wintry days too.  It's a pretty area to work in regardless of the weather.  Below are a few photos from Blackstone Heights in no particular order.

The South Esk River goes through Blackstone Heights.

In the summer time the cows walk to the edge of the river for a drink.  
Being Winter they weren't there today.

Views from Canopus Drive of the Trevallyn Dam spilling.

Another view of the Trevallyn Dam.

There are flocks of black cockatoos in the area.  
I was able to get a lucky photo of this one before he flew off.

Another view of the South Esk River from up high along Blackstone Road.

A foggy misty start to the day.

Lots of gum trees.

Another view of the South Esk River from the picnic area along Kelsey Road.

Fantastic fungi at the picnic area.

Thursday 9 June 2022

Winter in Longford.

We were filling in at Longford when someone was not well enough to work.  It was cold and wintery, but also bright and sunny.  

Snow on Ben Lomond.

The old house at the end of Burghley Street.

A couple of big beasties in the paddock in the middle of Longford.

Rainbow at the front of home after the rain.

Large fairy toadstools in the church yard.

Celtic cross in the church yard.

Frost on the lawn.

More fairy toadstools in someone's front yard.

There was still some autumn colours.

Snow on the Western Tiers.

That old house at the end of Burgley Street.

Snow on the Western Tiers.

A few jonquils already.

Some of the old buildings along Wellington Street.

Lovely old buildings along the main street.

Sticky Beaks Cafe on Marlborough Street, Longford.

Crystal's Birthday

 We celebrated Crystal's birthday at her home with a lovely afternoon tea.  

The birthday girl :-)

Her beautiful flowers.

The birthday cake.

With sparklers.

Some of the guests.

Cutting the cake.

My Mother's Day gift had arrived.  Yay!

I had fun putting it all together.

Me.  One day I'll get my photo taken by someone else.  Maybe.  :-)

I never get tired of this view.

We moved to Blackwall 16 years ago.  And I never get tired of the ever changing views from our front window. Beautiful afternoon sunset glow...