Sunday 24 July 2022

Hillwood / Dilston

I have been having fun working in the Hillwood / Dilston area these last three weeks.  I thought I should take some photos as it's such a picturesque place.

The Batman Bridge from Craigburn Road in Hillwood.

Egg Island from Craigburn Road in Hillwood.

Black Swan on the Tamar River.

Egg Island.

View of Hillwood from the pontoon.

Pacific Gulls on the Pontoon at Hillwood.

Along Hillwood Jetty Road.

Egg Island from Hillwood Jetty Road.

One of the orchards along the East Tamar Highway in Hillwood.

Scottish Longhorn Highland cattle at the Hillwood Berry Farm.

Nanna and Grandad Woods old house along Leam Road. 

The Apple Packing Shed on the property on Leam Road.
The orchard has been long been removed.

Cute little wallaby on Magazine Road, Hillwood.

A view of our house through the trees from Native Point Nature Reserve.

The view enlarged to show our house with the red roof.

Bright rainbow from Millhaven Road, Hillwood.

St Matthias Church on Windermere Road.

Part of the large flock of Cockatoos and a sneaky Corella.

Sunday 3 July 2022

A quick trip to Campbell Town on Friday.

We had a quick trip to Campbell Town for the morning to set up some sorting racks at the Post Office.  It was a cold frosty start to the morning, but as the sun rose it was a lovely sunny day.

Lovely sunrise on the way to Campbell Town.

-4 degrees on the way to Campbell Town.

St Andrew's Inn at Cleveland.

The frosty paddocks along the Midland Highway.

Wintery leafless trees.

The glow of the sunrise across the road.

Sheep in the frosty paddock.

Welcome to Campell Town.

There are several churches in Campbell Town.  
This one and the one below are on the Main Road.

The Town Hall on the Main Street.

The Antique Shop on the Main Street.

The Not so - Disappearing House at Conara.  
This lovely house earned the name of Disappearing House due to the 
illusion of it sinking into the ground as you approached it along the 
highway from Hobart to Launceston.  On the old highway the house 
would vanish from sight only to reappear as you travelled closer.  
The new highway has changed the angle of the approach 
and it no longer vanishes.

More scenery on the way back from Campbell Town.

We usually stop at the Confessional for coffee on the way back to Launceston.

They have such yummy food too.

Sorry some of the photos are a bit blurry, this happens
 when taken from the passenger seat in a moving car. 

I never get tired of this view.

We moved to Blackwall 16 years ago.  And I never get tired of the ever changing views from our front window. Beautiful afternoon sunset glow...