Tuesday 30 August 2022

Olivia and Gerrard's birthday afternoon tea.

 Olivia and Gerrard share a birthday, and we had such a lovely afternoon tea with them.

Maddi and Olivia with Watson the Cat.

One of Olivia's birthday cards.  She loves Baby Yoda.

Birthday cake with the sparklers being lit.

Seb and Indy with Greg and the back of Gerrard's head.

Gerrard's ute.  The inspiration for the birthday cake.

Campbell Town flooding.

 After our Sydney trip we worked a few days in Campbell Town, and there had been quite a bit of rain and flooding in some areas.

Creek and paddocks all flooded.

The Elizabeth River that runs through Campbell Town all flooded.

The Elizabeth River and the Red Bridge.

The Elizabeth River in flood.

Cold and rainy along Valleyfield Road.

Valleyfield Road on the Country Run.

Sheep in the rain along Barton Road.

Macquarie River in flood at Stewarton Bridge.

Flooding at Stewarton Bridge.

The water wasn't over the road yet.

Country Run.

Bicton Farm along Isis Road.

We had seen a wombat in the paddock and stopped for a photo.

Sunshine the next day and a flock of sheep being moved to drier pastures.

Weekend in Sydney

 We had our long awaited weekend away to Sydney.  We had the most amazing time visiting family and doing the Sydney Harbour Bridge climb. 

Beautiful Rosellas feeding on the balcony.

Cheeky Cockatoo.

Lorikeets feeding on the balcony.

On the train into the city.

View of the Harbour Bridge from the train.

On our way to the Harbour Bridge.

Handmade chocolates at the Market near the Bridge.

Standing underneath the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

Ready to go for our Bridge climb.

Standing on top of the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

You can see for miles.

After the Bridge climb we walked around to the Sydney 
Opera House Bar for a little celebratory drink

We walked past the ferrys.

We could see Luna Park across the Bay.

Waiting for our drinks.

I had a little cocktail.

The Sydney Opera House.

We had such an awesome weekend, not long enough.
So much more to see and do.




Sunday 7 August 2022

Wedding Anniversary Breakfast at Samuel Pepys

 We decided to celebrate our 43rd wedding anniversary with a breakfast at Samuel Pepys.  

Discussing the menu.

Too much to choose from, all gluten free for Sharni.

Miss matched crockery with my cappuccino with Kaluha.

Sharni and Jason.

Crystal and Gerrard.

Breakfast is served.

Yummy breakfast.

I ordered the Eggs Benedict with bacon.

Crumbed chicken on waffles.

Samuel Pepys full breakfast for Jason.

Carr Villa Rose Garden.

A few photos from the 3rd August when we Interred Mum's Ashes.


I never get tired of this view.

We moved to Blackwall 16 years ago.  And I never get tired of the ever changing views from our front window. Beautiful afternoon sunset glow...