Tuesday 15 November 2022

Richard's birthday

We had our traditional birthday BBQ for Richard's birthday on Sunday.  It should have been a lovely warm Spring day, however, we had an artic blast and it was cold and rainy.  We did not let this disrupt the proceedings and we all enjoyed ourselves.

A cold and rainy start to the day.

Foggy and misty weather.

A couple of his gifts all wrapped.

His lovely Flying Scotsman Train watch.

Birthday cake.

Red Velvet Birthday cake.  Yummo.

Jason and Sharni, all rugged up.

Richard, not wanting his photo taken.

Crystal and Gerrard, all rugged up.



Pam and Dad, not liking the cold weather.

Jason and Sharni

Crystal and Gerrard.

In spite of the weather we all had a good time catching up :-)

Wednesday 9 November 2022

Lunar Eclipse last night

 The moon rise was right in front of our house and we had a great view of the Lunar Eclipse.

The moonrise was just after 9pm, it was still light.

A close up of the moon.

As it the night gets darker is more difficult to get a really good photos.

I took photos every 15 minutes or so.

Sorry, blurry.  Half way.

Total eclipse with the Blood Moon.

Later in the evening you can see the moon re-emerging from the eclipse.

Sunday 6 November 2022

November Long Weekend

We had a great day at Greens Beach on the Sunday of the November Long Weekend.  The weather was magic.

There were yachts going past our house in the morning.

There was enough breeze for them to have their sails up.

The Tiruna went past.

The Low Head Lighthouse from Greens Beach.

Going to the water to see how cold it was.

Not sure!

Not too bad.

Sharni and Jason getting their feet wet.

Laying in the warm shallows.

Richard walking to the water to go for a paddle.

Then a snooze in the sunshine.

Making sand castles.

Anya buried in the sand

Sand castle made by Ebony.

We were eating snacks and the seagulls invited themselves.

They were cheeky and were really close.

I never get tired of this view.

We moved to Blackwall 16 years ago.  And I never get tired of the ever changing views from our front window. Beautiful afternoon sunset glow...