Saturday 28 January 2023

Yellow in Longford

 Yellow is a bright summery colour and there was plenty of that in Longford.

Gorgeous sunrise on our way to Longford.

Bright yellow door to the shop.

Beautiful yellow rose.

Lots of sunflowers.

Field of dandylions.

Speckled Canna Lily

Sulphur Crested Cockatoo in the top of the pine tree.

More yellow roses.

Yellow Canna Lilies.

Yellow beaked plover.

Yellow slippery dip in the playground.

Advertising at the bakery.

Friday 20 January 2023

Red in Longford.

We have spent one of two weeks in Longford.  The weather has been cooler which is nice.  I've been working in the same area as last time so there is not a lot that is different.  I chose red as the colour theme for the photos.

Red door.

Dahlia's not quite red. 

Red door.

Beautiful roses. They small heavenly.

Eucalyptus flowers.

Red roses.

Red trim on the door.

Cheeky Galah.  Lucky to get close for a photo.

The old farmhouse at the end of Burghley Street.

Another Galah.  Ready to have his photo taken.

Red door.

Red racing car in the Chequered Flag Bistro.
(Difficult to get a photo with all the reflections)

The United Service Station has had a red face lift.  
(Back of the shop)

Working in Westbury

We were filling in at Westbury for a week.  The weather was into the high 20's to 30 degrees.  It was so hot.

The Stocks in the Village Green.

A shady side of the Village.

The Green Door restaurant.

The Collectables.  

Down the end of Jones Street.

Some beautiful roses in one of the gardens.

The drinking fountain in the Village Green.

Another shady spot.

Lovely cottage.

Old gate in Westbury.

The War Memorial in Westbury.

Lovely old building.

More beautiful roses.

The mobile Barber Shop.

The huge wickets at the entrance to the Cricket Ground.

The sunny side of the Village.

Back in the shade at the Village Green.

Old shed along the way.

Another old gate.

Lovely shiny Morris Minor parked in the street.

New Years Eve.

 We went to Devonport to see the fireworks for New Years Eve.

Driving through to Devonport.

Going for a walk along the beach at Buttons Creek Beach.

Checking out the rockpools.

One of the many rockpools.

Watching the waves at Buttons Creek Beach.

Another rockpool.

A lovely time at the beach.

The Clocktower at Ulverstone.

The Spirit of Tasmania ready to sail.

Sitting by the Mersey River in Devonport.  Waiting for the fireworks.

A cute outfit for this small child at the Mersey River.  

The fireworks were spectacular.

Field of poppies on our way home.

It turned to winter on the 2nd January.

We had a hail storm.

Full moon rising on 6th January.

Full Moon.

Yacht going past home.

I never get tired of this view.

We moved to Blackwall 16 years ago.  And I never get tired of the ever changing views from our front window. Beautiful afternoon sunset glow...