Sunday 26 February 2023

Exeter Show


We went to the Exeter Show yesterday afternoon.  It was a lovely warm day, not too hot.  Just a bit of fun taking care of our inner child.

First stop - Dagwood dogs.

A tasty lunch.

Mother hen and her little chickies in the Animal Tent.

A fluffy chicken in the Animal Tent.

Now, which showbag do we like.

Lining up to make our purchases.

Okay, we have got what we wanted.

Anya eating Fairy Floss.

We were watching the Clydesdale horses with the wagon rides.

We stopped to watch the wood chopping.

Amazing, the guy at the back was the last to start and the first to finish.  

Time to go home now.

Wooden Boat Festival

We spent a lovely weekend in Hobart at the beginning of February and went to the Wooden Boat Festival.  We watched a play called the "Hell Ship" at the Peacock Theatre and went for a lunch time cruise on the tall ship "Soren Larsen", plus all the other entertainment around Salamanca.  We had a wonderful time catching up with friends, eating, drinking and chatting.  Great time.  

Arriving into Hobart.

Tall ships.


The Soren Larsen.

Tall ship and cruise ship.

Traditional craftsmen making parts for tallships.

Hand carving a figurehead

Figurehead on a tall ship.

Adjusting the sails and rigging on the Lady Nelson.

Captain of the Lady Nelson.

Singing sea shanties.
What can we do with a drunken sailor.

Lots of yachts.

Steve helping with the rigging on the Soren Larsen.

Setting the sails.

Sails on the Soren Larsen.

Our friends on the lunch cruise on the Soren Larsen.

I took over a hundred photos, these are just a small selection.

I never get tired of this view.

We moved to Blackwall 16 years ago.  And I never get tired of the ever changing views from our front window. Beautiful afternoon sunset glow...