Tuesday 25 April 2023

Bentleigh's 1st Birthday

We had the pleasure of attending Bentleigh's 1st birthday party at the weekend.  He's such a happy little chap enjoying his party.

Stevie with Bentleigh.

The magnificent birthday cake.

Cuddles with Sharni.

Opening his gifts.

Cuddles with Richard.

Wow, a xylophone - this will make a good noise.

More cuddles for Bentleigh.

A smashing good time with his birthday cake.

Cuddles with his Grandma.

Everyone received a cupcake.

Bentleigh enjoying his day.

More cuddles.

Also in attendance was Anya, who spent most of her time running around and playing.

Dante, sat listening to music.

Jason and Sharni.

Happy Birthday Bentleigh.

Thursday 13 April 2023

Easter 2023

 We had a nice relaxing Easter with family.  

My new Easter Bunnies.


Opening Easter gifts.

Just chilling


Crystal and Gerrard.

Sharni and Jason.

At Sue and Andrews for Good Friday.

My Easter Egg tree.

Easter Eggs and Bilby.

Peter Rabbit.

Easter Bunny. 

Another Easter Bunny.

Wednesday 5 April 2023

Ducks Bar Cafe and Restaurant

We celebrated Sue's birthday at the Ducks Bar at the weekend.  Nice weather, delicious food and great company.

The sign into the Restaurant.

Along the driveway.

The birthday girl.

Flowers for Sue.

Everyone at the table.




I ordered the Prawn, mango and avocado salad.

Richard ordered the crumbed scallops with chips.

View of the vinyard and winery from the carpark.

View of the Tamar River from the carpark.

View from the car on our way home.

It was really lovely to catch up with 
family for Sue's birthday.


I never get tired of this view.

We moved to Blackwall 16 years ago.  And I never get tired of the ever changing views from our front window. Beautiful afternoon sunset glow...