Monday 25 March 2024

Sailing on the Julie Burgess Tallship

We had a pleasant afternoon sail on the Julie Burgess Tallship on the Tamar River near George Town.  Here are a selection of the many photos I took.

Lovely sunny day for a sail on the Julie Burgess.

Views from where I was sitting.

Shadows on the sail.

Putting up sails.

Putting up sail.

Skipper steering the ship.

Crystal and Gerrard.

Flying the flag.

Looking our for the whirlpools.

Heading towards Beauty Point.

Richard.  You can see the whirlpools in the river.

Some of the yachts on the river.

Sailing near Beauty Point.

Taking in sail and heading for George Town.

Seymour Car Show and Fowles Winery.

We went to a car show at Seymour, I took lots of photos so will only put up a few. From Vintage to Modern and Hot Rods too.  Then we went to Fowles winery for a wine tasting.  

My favourite winery.

View of the vines from the carpark.

Ladies who shoot their lunch - weathervane.

Some of the wines we tasted.

On our way back to Melbourne airport we stopped at the Kilmore Bakery.

Their cakes looked so yummy.

Waiting for our coffees before we went our separate ways.

What an amazing holiday.

A Day in Heathcote.

Heathcote is a lovely little town with the best Bakery in Victoria and a Micro Brewery.  I love this place.

We went to a little junk shop and I found this amazing blue and white.  I need a bigger suitcase.

Gaffney's Bakery - totally amazing.

Getting ready for Easter.

We needed cold drinks.

Line up of motorbikes across the road.

Palling Brother's Micro Brewery.

We had to taste test the beers, and stopped for lunch.

The next morning we sat outside for breakfast and the lady next door puts out bird seed.

All these amazing lorikeets come for breakfast.

They are so beautiful and colourful.

So many and the noise is delightful.

Bendigo Lost Trades Fair.

There was the Bendigo Lost Trades Fair on Saturday.  The weather was hot and melting at 38 degrees, but there was so much to see there and so many people turned up.  We had a wonderful time.  See to the bottom for the photos of the amazing Silo Art at Colbinabbin.

As soon as you get in there's all the food stalls.

Shiny Rolls Royce.

Blacksmith at work.

Shiny copperware.

Another Blacksmith.

Horn spoons, bowls and drinkware.

Jack and Sally stainglass.

We went for a ride on the Cobb and Co stagecoach.



Beeswax candles.

Colourful stilt walkers.

Making lace.

Making a wooden bucket.


We drove through Goornong and on to Colbinabbin to see the Silo Art.

Silo Art at Colbinabbin.

I never get tired of this view.

We moved to Blackwall 16 years ago.  And I never get tired of the ever changing views from our front window. Beautiful afternoon sunset glow...