Wednesday 26 June 2024

I never get tired of this view.

We moved to Blackwall 16 years ago.  And I never get tired of the ever changing views from our front window.

Beautiful afternoon sunset glow across the river.

Just lovely.

Full moon from the weekend marking the shortest day of the year.

Sunrise through the fog yesterday.

Glorious sunrise this morning.

Then the weather turned and we had an amazing thunderstorm.

We had thunder, lightening and hailstones.

I love a good thunderstorm.

-3 degrees in Campbell Town

Last week we had a chilly start to the day when we went to Campbell Town via Westbury and the back roads to Campbell Town.  We were hoping to see some snow on the highlands, but were disappointed to have missed out.  Maybe next time.

-3 degrees on the car thermometer.

Driving through Exeter.

The sunrise behind us. 

Frosty paddocks.

Cold frosty sheep.

Bright sunshine through the trees.

More thick frost.

Minor hold up with the road works.

More frosty sheep.

Low cloud on the mountains on the back road to Campbell Town.

Looking for snow.

Huge berry farm in the middle of nowhere.

Still no snow.

The Giant Trout in Cressy.

Sign post for Campbell Town.

Cloudy mountain.

Views along the way.

Nearly to Campbell Town.

We stopped at Adams Distillery in Perth for lunch and a warning Irish coffee.

Whiskey barrels in Adams Distillery.

Inside the coffee shop.

Lots of whiskey barrels.

We bought a bottle of coffee whiskey liqueur.  So yummy.


Monday 17 June 2024

-2 degrees in Westbury.

We had a quick trip to Westbury.  It was a cold sunny start to the day with -2 degrees.  The frost was thick and white and the photos don't do it justice.  We were watching the hot air balloon over Hagley way but it was too far in the distance to take photos of it and when we went through to Perth after our Westbury visit, it had been packed away.

I had to wind the side window down so I could see if there was any traffic.
All the frost from the window on the outside of the van.

It was a chilly -2 degrees outside.  Warm and toasty in the van.

Old shed along the way.

Heavy frost at Glengarry.

Mist rising from the gully.

View of the Western Tiers.

Another view of the Western Tiers.

We had to stop for road works.  This is the Meander River on the way to Westbury.

Along the old highway on the back road to Longford then to Perth.

The sun shining through on the way to Perth.

A herd of cows in the frosty paddock.

We stopped for an Irish Coffee for morning tea at the Westbury Distillery.
It was so yummy.

Foggy Winter

 With our postie off on sick leave we were in Perth for a few days.  It was cold and foggy.  Did I mention it was cold.

There goes the postie on the bike.

Foggy Main Road.

Dew drops glistening on the Silver Birch.

You can see where I have been on the frosty lawn.

Starlings on the tv antenna.

Foggy in Sassafras Street.

Foggy at the top end of Mulgrave Street, overlooking Perth.

Eastern Rosella in the fog.

Railway crossing on Main Street.

Looking out for trains.

Foggy Main Street heading back to the Post Office.

Lots of pinecones.

Then the sun came out.  Galah on the lawn.

There are still a few autumn leaves.

Black faced Persian sheep in Perth.  Looks like a goat.

I never get tired of this view.

We moved to Blackwall 16 years ago.  And I never get tired of the ever changing views from our front window. Beautiful afternoon sunset glow...