Sunday 8 September 2019

Tasmanian Tiger Hunting

It was Threatened Species Day yesterday and Tasmania has a few on the list including the Tasmanian Devil, Orange Bellied Parrot and Spotted Tail Quoll to name a few.

As we are always out and about with our work, we are always on the look out for anything unusual.  We were working at the back of Scottsdale, Lebrina and Pipers River on the look out for Tasmanian Devils and Tasmanian Tigers.

During the daytime they were all asleep and we didn't see any of them.  Tassie Devils have been released in the wild in these areas, and there are sometimes reports of tiger sighting too.

Notices along the way to watch out for Tasmanian Devils.

Cold rainy day for a trip to Scottsdale.

Then it rained quite heavy.

Low cloud over Mt Arthur.

Along the way.

Sign post for George Town or Bridport.

You wouldn't spot a Tasmanian Tiger in this thick bushland.

The last authenticated photo of a Tasmanian Tiger in 1936. (Thank you Google)
There have been plenty of sightings since then.  Are they really out there?

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