Sunday 29 August 2021

Saturday Breakfast.

We have been cooking our eggs and bacon outside in the barbeque area on the Weber Q.

Eggs and bacon on the weber q.  We use capsicum slices for egg rings.  Note the double yoke eggs.

Richard cooking breakfast.

We have peach and mango smoothies with breakfast.

They are so refreshing.

Breakfast all dished up.  Gotta love Saturday mornings.

Olivia and Gerrard's Birthday last weekend.

We had a lovely Saturday afternoon celebrating Olivia's 19th Birthday and Gerrard's 40+ Birthday last weekend.  It was great to catch up with everyone, as we only get to see Gerrard's side of the family at birthdays.

Maddi and Olivia

Olivia's birthday cake.

Gerrard eating birthday cake.

Gerrard's birthday cake.

Shannon, Lotte, Beau, Bec and Richard.

A birthday party is not complete without Fairy Bread.

Franki - Olivia and Maddi's new addition to the family.

Crystal giving Franki a cuddle.

It was so lovely to see Olivia and Maddi in their new flat 
and catching up with everyone for a double birthday celebration.


Tuesday 10 August 2021

Trowunna Wildlife Park

We spent a lovely morning at Trowunna Wildlife Park at Mole Creek, we could pat the wombat and Tasmanian Devil.  It was a cold frosty start to the day but was so much fun.

The entrance to the Trowunna Wildlife Park.

A group of Kangaroos.


One of the Wedgetail eagles.  All the eagles at the park are 
rescued and unable to survive in the wild.

The wombats are also rescued and are being looked after until 
they are big enough and old enough to survive in the wild.

Masked Owl.

Black swans.

Tasmanian Devil.

Tasmanian Devils.

Our Tour Guide nursing a wombat so everyone could give her a pat.

The Tasmanian Devil on the picnic table during a talk from our Tour Guide.

Spotted Quoll.

Beautiful parrots at the Wildlife Park.

Bettongs aka Rat Kangaroos.

Mum with joey.

Mum with joey in her pouch.

We had a wonderful time at the Trowunna Wildlife Park.



41 Degrees South Salmon Farm and the Mole Creek Hotel

 We went to visit the 41 Degrees South Salmon Farm and had a walk around the property to the Montana Waterfall.  

Water Wheel at 41 Degrees South Salmon Farm

One of the many ponds at the Salmon Farm

Trying to take a photo of the huge salmon in the pond.

The fish splash in the water when we were feeding them.

Another huge salmon in the pond.

Montana Water Fall along the walk on the property.

Pretty sunset on the way to the Mole Creek Hotel for tea.

The Mole Creek Hotel.

We ordered lamb shanks for tea.  Yummo.

King Solomons Cave

 We had a tour of King Solomons Cave, which was discovered in 1906 and first opened to the public in 1908.  There are over 200 caves and sink holes in the Mole Creek area.  Marakoopa Cave and King Solomons Cave are the two main ones open to the public. The cave was really spectacular that the photos don't do it justice.

A sculpture representing the caves along the path to the entrance.

Lovely sunny day along the path to the cave entrance.

Entrance to King Solomons Cave.

Colourful fungi on a log along the path to the cave entrance.

Just inside King Solomons Cave looking straight up at the stalactites.

Inside King Solomons Caves.

Curtain stalactites in King Solomons Cave.

The stalagmite starting in a rock pool in the cave.

Monday 9 August 2021

Bush Walk to Alum Cliffs.

 We went for a little bush walk on Saturday to the Alum Cliffs also known as Tulampanga.

Notice sign at the entrance of the walk.

Forest of stringy bark eucalypts along the way.

View from the look out of the Alum Cliffs Gorge and the Mersey River.

Some of the red ochre on the left hand side of the Alum Cliffs Gorge.

Some lichen growing on branches we saw along the way.

Sitting at the lookout watching the Peregrine Falcons. 
I'm rubbish at selfies LOL.

The falcons were flying in the distance, too far away to get a good photo of.

We saw lots of rainbows that day.  It was difficult to get a good picture of them sometimes.

I never get tired of this view.

We moved to Blackwall 16 years ago.  And I never get tired of the ever changing views from our front window. Beautiful afternoon sunset glow...