Sunday 11 December 2022

Jason's Birthday Party

We had a Mexican themed birthday party for Jason, which was a lot of fun.  One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor.

The Pinata and Sombrero 

Balloons and bunting.

Jason with one of his gifts.

Bentleigh wearing Jason's hat.

The Pinata balloon.

The Pinata.

Jason smoking his cigar, looking like a Mexican Gangster.  LOL.

Posing with his Pinata balloon.

I think the look says "Really, just stop taking photos".

The 38 taco ready for serving, just add cheese, salsa and guacamole.  
It was really yummy.

Bentleigh trying on Jason's sombrero.

Tequila shots.

Lick, sip, suck.

Crystal's turn.

And the lemon.

Thirsty work.

The Margarita Cake.

Jason enjoying his party.

Sharni and Jason.

Thank you to everyone who helped celebrate.
We all had a wonderful time.

Saturday 3 December 2022


On Friday we went to Heathcote.  We had a nice time exploring the area.  Our last day before going home tomorrow.

A couple of large Kangaroos on the side of the road.

One of the many photos I took of the Pink Cliffs.

Gaffney's Bakery.

Christmas Decorations in the bakery.

Black Forest Cakes.

Lots of cakes and biscuits to choose from.

Rainbow cakes.

Santa and his sleigh on the roof top.

Christmas tree all decorated.

We went to Palling Bros Brewery.

And had a beer tasting.

And a bite to eat.

And chicken tacos.

They have the best ever Chocolate Stout.

We had a most wonderful holiday, 
and a big thank you to Steve and Sandy 
for their hospitality. 
We felt rested and relaxed and 
had a really lovely time.  Thank you.


On Thursday we spent the day in Bendigo.  It was rather nostalgic as I used to spend some school holidays in the area a million years ago.

Our first stop in Bendigo was to the Central Deborah Gold Mine.

We saw the massive gold ingots on display.

Then we went on a Tram ride around the city.

Past the Bendigo sign.

Past the Sacred Heart Cathedral.

Some lovely old cottages.

The Shamrock Hotel.

The Alexandra Fountain

The lotus at the front of the Golden Dragon Museum

Blue lion on display.  
You couldn't use a flash on the camera inside 
the museum so a lot of photos were not clear.

The Jade Carriage.

One of the many dragons.

The Yi Yuan Garden (Garden of Joy)

We went to the Joss House but unfortunately it was not open. 
 I took this photo between the slats in the fence.

My favourite Bendigo Pottery.  I just had to buy two coffee mugs.

I never get tired of this view.

We moved to Blackwall 16 years ago.  And I never get tired of the ever changing views from our front window. Beautiful afternoon sunset glow...