Friday 1 April 2022

Campbell Town

We have just spent two weeks working in Campbell Town.  We were lucky with the weather, but hoping it rains soon for the farmers that are struggling with the dry spell.

Beautiful sunrise on the way to Campbell Town.

Huge Thistle flowers in a garden at Campbell Town.

The wooden sculptures at the Red Bridge at Campbell Town.

The Red Bridge over the Elizabeth River in Campbell Town.

One of the older homes in Campbell Town.

Homes along one of the streets in Campbell Town.

The stables and Fox Hunters Return.

One of the shops along the Main Street.

Back of one of the churches along William Street.

The Campbell Town hospital.

We saw a Wedgetail Eagle along Valleyfield Road.

He flew off as it was taking the photo.

Magnificent birds to watch them soaring and gliding on the thermals.

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