Friday 2 June 2023

Bye Bye Mini

Unable to complete the mission of restoring the Mini, we sold it back to from whence it came.  Great fun having Steve and Sandy over to pick it up.  I took heaps of photos to show the journey of it's return trip to the mainland.

Steve and Sandy arrived with their trailer all organised to load the Mini.

The Mini.

Now how is this going to work??

Mini on the trailer.  Magic!

Not quite magic, it was a lot of heavy lifting too.

Tying it down to stop it from moving.

Now for the engine.

Engine all loaded into the back of the van.

Nothing a bit of gaffer tape won't fix.

Taking the Mini to the shed for a couple of days before they head home.

Bye Bye Mini.

Nothing a meal out and a yummy drink won't cure. 
The drink is almost the same colour as the van. 💚

Double checking everything before Steve and Sandy head home.

Off to catch the Spirit Ferry home.

Due to gale force winds on the way to the Ferry 
they had to stop to apply a bit more gaffer tape.

Back home safe and sound.

Thank you Sandy for the last two photos 
which complete your photo journey home.

It was great to catch up with Steve and Sandy again 
and when the Mini is completed please let us know
so we can come over so we can enjoy a Mini ride. 💚

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