Sunday 23 July 2023

Winter Christmas at the Red Feather Inn.

We spent the most wonderful weekend at Hadspen at the Red Feather Inn for a Winter Christmas.  

Our cottage was called the Watchhouse.

A lovely roomy three bedroom cottage.

Lovely warm fire in the Lounge Room.

Gorgeous and comfy bedroom.

A glass of wine and a book from the loaded bookcase.
I love The Durrell's television series and
found one of the books.  Enchanting.

All rugged up for our Winter Christmas.

My place setting.


Table centrepiece.

I had Seafood Chowder.

Turkey, salmon, roast potato, broccolini and it's 
not Christmas without brussel sprouts.

Followed by Bread and Butter pudding.

And Richard had the White Chocolate Mousse.

We had a wonderful stay at the Red Feather Inn.

Winter in Campbell Town

We have just spent the last two weeks working in Campbell Town.  The weather was cold and rainy but not too freezing.  

An elderly gentleman told me I deserve a gold medal for delivering the mail pushing the trolley.  I didn't have the heart to tell him I only walk a couple of streets that takes only two hours to deliver, and not the whole town.  He made me smile to myself.  

The Red Bridge over the Elizabeth River.

Following the Convict Brick Trail.

Just a couple of the many names on the Convict Brick Trail.

Eliza and the Ram.

The Grange, along the Main Road in Campbell Town.

A flock of Cockatoos flying over.

There was a storm brewing.

Bicton Farm, on the Country Run.

A flock of Corellas on the Country Run.

Thursday 6 July 2023

Evandale Market.

We had friends over from the mainland and we all went to the Evandale Market, Adams Distillery and then Rupert and Hound for dinner.  There was lots of fun and laughter, eating and drinking.

Evandale Market.

Browsing around the stalls.  The Paella smells amazing.

Lots of bric a brac to see.

The spicy Jalapeno and cheeze pretzels were so yummo.

The men ordering coffees while we sit and check out everything.

Found them.

Adams Distilery.

It was a cold rainy day so we needed to find shelter.

All the barrels.

Whisky tasting.

Gin tasting.


The foot bridge over the Tamar at the Sea Port.

Checking the menu at Rupert and Hound.

Cocktails all ordered.

And plenty of seafood on the menu.

Rupert and Hound is my favourite restaurant.

Quick trip to George Town

We had an early morning trip to George Town this morning.  It was dark and cold and had been raining.  It was not good for taking photos.  Luckily we had a trip to George Town in June, and I was trying my new camera and took a few photos.  I'm really pleased with the colours, I haven't had to adjust them, but they are a bit blurry as they are taken from the passenger seat in a moving vehicle.

At the end of our driveway.  Ready to leave home.

Beautiful red sunrise.

Driving through Gravelly Beach.

Gorgeous colours.

Gravelly Beach.

Near the Deviot Jetty.

The blue light and reflection of the Batman Bridge.

Bright sunrise heading towards the Batman Bridge.

Travelling over the Batman Bridge.

Bright sunrise.

I never get tired of this view.

We moved to Blackwall 16 years ago.  And I never get tired of the ever changing views from our front window. Beautiful afternoon sunset glow...