Monday 1 April 2019

A Day at the Zoo

We went to Tasmania Zoo for a visit to see the animals and birds. 

Major Mitchell Cockatoos.  
It's difficult to get a good picture through the wire cage sometimes.

Beautiful Rosella parrots.

Cute little Meerkats.

Colourful Macaw.


Cape Barron Geese.

The wallabies came up to say hello.

Not sure of this little monkey, as there were so many different ones to see.


Another monkey.

Tasmanian Devils.

The Koala was having a little nap.

A Cassowary.

The Sulphur Crested Cockatoo was saying hello to Richard..

The beautiful Red Pandas.

Lazing in the tree.

Red Pandas are my favourite.

Just a selection of the dinosaurs in the Jurassic Park.

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