Monday 27 April 2020

ANZAC Day 2020

ANZAC Day is always an important day in the Australian calendar.  This year with the corona virus pandemic we were unable to honour ANZAC Day as we would normally do with the dawn services held around Australia and the ANZAC marches through the streets of many cities and towns. 

This year we were encouraged to Light up the Dawn and have our own little commemoration in our driveways at 6.00 am in honour of those who served and sacrificed.  At 6.00 am from where we were we could hear the Last Post being played and the Australian National Anthem.

Sunrise on ANZAC Day.

My table set with Poppies.

More Poppies.

Poppy tea towel from the Australian War Memorial.

The commemorative Anzac Biscuit tin this year 
for the 75 years since WW11 finished.  
The biscuits were really yummy.

We watched and enjoyed the movie 1917 which is set in April of that year, at the Western Front. Two British soldiers are sent to deliver an urgent message to an isolated regiment.  If the message is not received in time the regiment will walk into a trap and be massacred. To get to the regiment they will need to cross through enemy territory. Time is of the essence and the journey will be fraught with danger.  -   I picked up the DVD from the supermarket.

Lest we Forget.
"They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old,
Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn,
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We shall remember them."

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