Monday 28 August 2023

Sunny afternoon in City Park

We had a lovely little walk around City Park to see the monkeys and gardens.

We were staying at Windarra on High in Launceston.  A lovely little BNB.

This was our room.

A cute little birds nest on the mantelpiece.

The Rotunda in City Park.

The Conservatory.

Beautiful orchid in the conservatory.

Inside the conservatory.

Another beautiful orchid.

Lots of colourful flowes.

The Children's Jubilee Fountain was for Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee in 1887.

We stopped to watch the macaque monkeys.

Cute little monkey.

Trees in blossom.

Monday 21 August 2023

Olivia and Gerrard's birthday party.

We spent a lovely evening with Olivia (21) and Gerrard (50) at the Gunner's Arms for their birthdays.  I didn't use a flash when taking the photos, so some are a little blurry, or it could be I had a couple of drinks.  LOL.

The Birthday Girl.

The Birthday Boy.

Maddi and Olivia.


Olivia, Sue, Andrew and Crystal.

Tropical - Hawaiian table decor.

Maddi, her Mum - Tracey, her Dad, brother Liam and his girlfriend.

Crystal with her drink.

Levii (Sharni's cousin), Andrew, Sue and Maddi's family.


The birthday cake.

Miss Olivia with the cake.

Gerrard cutting the cake.

Miss Olivia watching the cutting of the cake.

Reading some birthday cards.

Opening presents.

Happy Birthday Olivia.

Gerrard impressed with his Flaschengeist goodies.  Enjoy.

Thursday 3 August 2023

My Birthday Champagne and Cake Afternoon Tea

I spent a lovely afternoon with my family for my birthday.  We had a nice Champagne and Cake Afternoon Tea on Sunday afternoon.  Then that evening Adrian phoned from the UK to wish me a Happy Birthday.  I felt very spoilt by all the attention.

My Birthday Cake

My new Spode footed cake stand for my birthday.
See cake above.

Champagne at the ready.

Jason and Sharni.

Gerrard and Crystal

My Birthday flowers - thank you Jason and Sharni.

Me on my birthday.

Thank you to everyone who visited, phoned 
or sent FB messages for my birthday.
I had an awesome day.  💖

I never get tired of this view.

We moved to Blackwall 16 years ago.  And I never get tired of the ever changing views from our front window. Beautiful afternoon sunset glow...