Monday 21 August 2023

Olivia and Gerrard's birthday party.

We spent a lovely evening with Olivia (21) and Gerrard (50) at the Gunner's Arms for their birthdays.  I didn't use a flash when taking the photos, so some are a little blurry, or it could be I had a couple of drinks.  LOL.

The Birthday Girl.

The Birthday Boy.

Maddi and Olivia.


Olivia, Sue, Andrew and Crystal.

Tropical - Hawaiian table decor.

Maddi, her Mum - Tracey, her Dad, brother Liam and his girlfriend.

Crystal with her drink.

Levii (Sharni's cousin), Andrew, Sue and Maddi's family.


The birthday cake.

Miss Olivia with the cake.

Gerrard cutting the cake.

Miss Olivia watching the cutting of the cake.

Reading some birthday cards.

Opening presents.

Happy Birthday Olivia.

Gerrard impressed with his Flaschengeist goodies.  Enjoy.

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